Aroma Therapy
Merr agatha
October 23, 2009
Sekarangi laptop saya menunjukkan pukul 23:22. Tapi saya belon kepengen bobo. Hebath itu kopi!!! Kemaren ada temennya mama yang baru pulang dari Lampung. Bawa oleh-oleh kopi. Kopi Lampung tentunya, masak kopi Bandung? =P
Jadi, kesimpulannya, kopi Lampunglah yang membuat saya stay awake all night. And now I know the reasons why I can’t sleep last Sunday.Yeahhh… akhirnya nemu juga sesuatu yang bisa bikin saya stay awake. Hihi…
Well… kemaren nemu sebuah catetan kecil tentang aroma therapy. Lumayan buat nambah pengetahuan umum. Kali aja pas ikutan kuis millionaire, jadi bisa jawab. Wkwkwk…
Aber, jasmine, lotus, musk, rose, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, vanilla, night queen, opium, cinnamon, jasmine tea
Acning muscles:
Lavender, lemon, maxcampa, vanilla, tea tree
Bargamot, lavender, freshmint, rosemary, eucalyptus
Lemon, musk, green tea, bergamot, fawaki, maonolia
Apple, strawberry, lemon, jasmine, sakura, rose, sandal wood, frangipani, lotus, green tea
Menambah nafsu makan:
Spice, vanilla, milk
Hmmm… banyak nama-nama tanaman yang aneh. Tapi setidaknya ada banyak juga yang familiar.
Oh ya, ini ada daftar berdasarkan jenis tanamannya.
Increase the spirit, happiness, warmth, relaxation, decrease the scared feeling, lonely, and in the massage can be used to moisten and smoothen the skin.
Refresh, mind balance, sensitivity, warmth, openness, relaxation, smoothen the skin.
Calm down, comfort, openness, trust, love, decrease the headache, stress, frustration, panic, hysteria, insomnia, smoothen the burnt skin, injury scars, peeled of skin.
Calm down, love, romantic, warmth, secure, aphrodisiac, decrease the anger, hopeless, stress, and worries.
Refresh the mind, courage, self-confident, mental health, anti fungi, help healing the respiration system, vanish the tiredness, flu, and balance.
Sensational, calm, peace, happiness, strong aroma and the leaves can be used to fertilize the hair.
Concentration, spirit, happiness, self-confident, relaxation, decrease the scared feeling, depression, panic, and relieve the muscle and skin.
Happiness, masculine, peace, give the energy and work spirit, also decrease the tiredness.
Lumayan daripada mengandalkan segala jenis obat buat mulihin kondisi tubuh dan pikiran, yand nota bene mengandung bahan kimia sintetis, mendingan mulai gunain bahan-bahan alami kayak aromatherapy ini, lumayan, bikin sehat, dan kembali semangat.